Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Season 5 Ep. 3: "Hell Comes to Quahog" References

  • Peter stars in the Broadway musical version of the movie Red Dawn.
  • When Peter & his friends give Meg a ride to the skating rink, they stop in & skate Saturday Night Fever style.
  • The Griffins are watching a "Pepperidge Farm" commercial.
  • We get to see how the Iceman survives without a car.
  • When Peter says, "Grab some wood there, bub," this alludes to the same lines spoken by the principal in The Breakfast Club.
  • Stewie wants a sewing machine - a wish shared by the girls of the "Brady Bunch" during the episode entitled "54-40 & Fight."
  • A Hummer driver watches Madagascar while driving.
  • At the drive-in, Peter and Lois are watching Jeff Daniels and Bill Pullman in The Even Couple. This is an obvious spoof of the movie The Odd Couple.
  • Peter complains that Meg always ruins his good time, just like TBS does when they air the movie Showgirls.
  • The Griffins watch an episode of the "Ghost Whisperer" which features an exaggerated version of Jennifer Love Hewitt's breasts.
  • Peter kills Yogi Bear as a favor for a park ranger.
  • While working at Superstore USA, one of Meg's job duties is to feed Sloth of The Goonies a Baby Ruth.
  • The music playing as Brian drives the tank through Superstore USA is from "The A-Team," & Brian wearing a bandana & smoking a cigar represents Hannibal.
  • In a flashback, Peter encounters a gang of Tom Brokaws.
  • Peter says that what's worse than finding a job is Easter Sunday at Richard Gere's house. Peter than references the gerbil rumor by saying the Easter eggs are hidden in Gere's butt.
  • During a local news break, anchor Diane Simmons introduces a clip from the kids' show "The Electric Company" by yelling Rita Moreno's famous "Hey you guys..." (Though this catchphrase is from "The Electric Company," this can also be seen as this episode's second allusion to Sloth, who also says Moreno's famous phrase in The Goonies).
  • Peter is yelling about the sensation he gets while standing atop a mountain, which is taken from a York Peppermint Patty commercial.
  • "Hardcastle & McCormick" is mentioned.


Unknown said...

Can u be more specific about the a team music

DAVE said...

Sorry the reference and music is not from A team but I think it's from a film like Strips or 1941.

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